Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hi, my name is Tau and I'm a smoke-oholic

Argh, I’m so sleepy and it’s so cold. I’ll just wind down the windows and have a smoke.

This traffic is killing me. Think I’ll have another one. (10 minutes later) I’ve been here for 15 minutes and travelled barely 100 meters?!?!?! Where’s that pack of fags?!

Phew, finally here. Time for coffee downstairs. Nothing like a cup of iced coffee and a smoke at seven in the morning. “Hey, you’re here, come join me for another smoke or two”.

Fuck, she looks staggeringly hot today. Can’t concentrate. Better get some distraction. A fag will do it. Down boy... down boy.

Shit, writer’s block. Need some inspiration. Think I might just step outside for a puff. Hmm, still nothing, another one ought to do it.

Finally it’s lunch time. Cold skin and heat from the sun, Clorets mint to hide hungry man’s bad breath but something’s missing. I should light up.

Where the hell is my food?!?! Guess I’ll have some appetizer first. Give me a damn lighter.

That was filling. You know what’s better than a cup of iced coffee and a smoke at 7 in the morning? A cup of iced lemon tea after a heavy lunch in the middle of a hot afternoon, and a smoke.

Wow that lunch makes me feel like dozing off. Need some nicotine rush. Just to be on the safe side, I’ll have two. And another coffee.

Shit, it’s five and I still have a lot to do and the A/C is off. Weather seems nice. Warm and sunny outside. Such a waste if I didn’t go out and enjoy it with a stick of my beautiful DML.

“Dude, you’re off?” “Nah, need fresh air” “I’m with you.
Fuck this, I’m getting my fix. “Guys, pub, now” Ahh, ice cold drought on a warm rainy evening. Gah! They’re talking about work. Where’s that pack?

I smell of an Irish. Need to get rid if this before the missus finds out. One, two, three… that should do it.

Home finally. One before shower, one during, one after, one before dinner, one after, one while surfing, one while on the phone with the other missus, one before brushing teeth, and one after, one before sleep.

And that’s how I smoke 30 sticks of cigarettes a day. I need help… New lungs I can get, but at RM9.30 a pack, I’ll be broke by mid-month.

Hi, my name is Tau and I’m a smoke-oholic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Halitosis or Bad Breath is for Life
Hi I'm Dr James Wright; I'm an EMT bacterial researcher. I've have created this series of articles to help people understand and control their bad breath. I also recommend all bad breath sufferers visit and and as I know of very good oral health outcomes from people who follow their advice. Yes it is normal that once bad breath takes hold it’s with you for life. Most doctors and dentist will pretend they don’t smell anything and its better for them then telling you that you have bad breath and then having to tell you it’s for life as they will lose you as a regular patient. Just like if you go to the same place for lunch every day but then one day the staff tell you your breath stinks you just won’t go back there. So how can we attack bad breath and win? The answer is an eBook that’s taken my team and me years of research and testing. It attacks bad breath in the sinus, stomach, throat and mouth. We continue to research and update our advice. Curiously we’ve found no brand name product that’s of any use in combating bad breath even though it says it will on the bottle and tubes! We use a little chemistry to create solutions that cost about 10 cents and you will make them yourself at home. You can help us help others by helping yourself. Visit Oraltech Labs on the web today and in 30 minutes you will be well on road to good oral health.